Client Details
-LA County Metro
-Southern California Metro Link
-Orange County Transit Authority
-San Diego Association of Governments
-San -Diego MTA
-Southern California Metro Link
-Orange County Transit Authority
-San Diego Association of Governments
-San -Diego MTA

Project Details
Status: Completed. Published final report in 2009 which contained testimony from the witnesses appearing before the agencies, after conducting meetings with the agencies’ Board of Directors, elected officials and other stakeholders.
Project Overview
Investigation and Reporting: Obtain and compile analysis and anecdotal evidence of existing disparity and/or discrimatory practices, if any, between prime and subcontractors in the procurement process on transportation projects.
Project Responsibilities
- We collected and analyzed contract data on FTA-funded contracts and the utilization of minority and disadvantaged firms.
- We contacted over 1,000 firms within a segmented market area and performed over 100 interviews of MBE’s, DBE’s and majority firms to provide anecdotal evidence of alleged various discriminatory practices in the transportation and related industries.
- We conducted public hearings and related advertising activities associated with the dissemination of the draft report.